Friday, July 16, 2010

Lucien Freud, Pompideu Centre 3eme

Today I went to the Freud exhibition  at Pompideu.

It was the last 3 days , a reprieve,  I forced myself, i knew it would haunt my for years if i missed another giant passing.
I  knew Freud. When we were young painters in the riding#,  on the noble Barnsley College of Art Foundation Course ,  to paint as Freud was the only logical conclusion. We too ordained paint as flesh. Without exaggeration there was nothing else. An artist for the proletariat, three years out of the great Miners strike.

And face to face  , i was struck by what an egalitarian  artist he really  is, no hip concept, no zeitgiest, just paint and a room, repeat. Anybody can have that. You have no excuse. Nobody is keeping you down.

Disturbed me as i knew it would. I was hiding from it. To see a mans singular unwavering vision for half a century, the weight of such a body of work.  Only an idiot would not question himself, what have i been doing with my life.

What did you do today?
#Since Viking rule, Yorkshire has had three ridings,[3][4][5] North, West and East